Once upon a time, Alain Delon’s trip to Homeland

In a 2021 interview with Paris Match, Delon expressed support for euthanasia, calling it “the most logical and natural thing”. In 2022, Delon’s son Anthony revealed in his autobiography Entre chien et loup that, following the death of his mother Nathalie, Alain said he wanted to be removed from life support if he were to succumb to a coma, and had asked Anthony to fulfill his request if such a circumstance arose. Shortly thereafter, some news organizations reported that Delon was planning to imminently end his life through euthanasia, but the reports were adamantly denied by his son, Alain-Fabien, who said that quotes from Anthony Delon’s book had been taken out of context.

In January 2024, Delon was reported to be in poor health and living a reclusive lifestyle at his La Brûlerie estate in Douchy. At the same time, a public feud concerning Delon’s health arose between three of his children – Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien – all of whom acknowledge Delon was “ailing but lucid and aware of the feud”. The rift began when Anthony publicly accused Anouchka, his half-sister, of “lying” and “manipulation” for concealing the results of cognitive tests Swiss doctors had performed on their father. The children, however, had united in mid-2023 to successfully evict Delon’s former companion Hiromi Rollin, whom they accused of abusing their father.

Delon died “peacefully” on 18 August 2024 at his home in Douchy, surrounded by family members. He was 88.