The head of the federation that wanted to steal Shahram Pahlavinia

Saeed Faeghi, deputy of the Physical Education Organization in the Khatami government, recently spoke to the Khabar Online website about the reason why guerrilla organizations opposed to the Shah paid attention to judo in the 1950s. In this conversation, he mentions the unsuccessful kidnapping operation of Shahram Pahlavinia, the niece of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, by Mohammad Mehrayin, who was one of these judo guerrillas, and says, “Shahram was an athlete himself and escaped from Mehrayin,” and since then that “the discussion of judo was discussed among the politicians, and they said that anyone who wants to come and learn judo on the mountain and on the peak”. The description of the conspiracy to kidnap Shahram, the first son of Ashraf Pahlavi, by Mohammad Mehrayin has been stated in various interviews. This report, however, examines the other side’s narrative, aspects that have been overlooked in the media of the Islamic Republic, as well as other aspects of the sports-political life of Mohammad Mehraayin.