The head of the federation that wanted to steal Shahram Pahlavinia

In Bahman 97, at the same time as the death of Mohammad Mehrayin (Davoudabadi), in another article on the “Radio Zamane” website, Iraj Masadaghi also explained allegations about Mehrayin’s “rape” of some imprisoned boys and girls. However, Brigadier General Kazem Yazdani, the head of physical training of the Mohammad Rasulullah Corps of Tehran, has a completely contradictory claim and told Javan newspaper: “In these 40 years, I have never seen sourness, anger, irrational and nervous behavior from Mehrayin.” At the same time, Mehraayin’s influence in the 60s was such that Ismail Davoudi Shamsi, the head of the physical education organization in Mirhossein Mousavi’s government, says: “Mehraayyin, the head of the parliament’s procurement, had a high influence.” I told him to vacate the fencing hall, but he took all three disciplines of karate, taekwondo and judo to this hall and did not cooperate with us.” After the separation of martial disciplines, Mehrayin assumed the presidency of the Judo Federation. At the same time, he was the deputy of the Federation of Veterans and the Disabled, the director of physical education of the Veterans Foundation, and the director of IRGC support.