Less seen pictures of Abali ski resort

Nestled in the heart of Abali Rural District, Rudehen District, Damavand County in the Capital Province of Iran, Pist-e Abali is a small village that boasts a rich history and breathtaking landscapes. Though it may have a modest population of just 20 people spread across 8 families (as of the 2006 census), this quaint village offers a unique blend of cultural heritage, natural beauty, and serene living that is often overlooked by mainstream tourism.

Historical Background

Pist-e Abali’s history is intertwined with the greater narrative of Damavand County, an area known for its historical significance and cultural depth. Damavand itself is one of the oldest continuously inhabited regions in Iran, with a history dating back thousands of years. This historical richness permeates Pist-e Abali, providing visitors with a glimpse into the ancient traditions and lifestyles that have been preserved through generations.