Less seen pictures of Abali ski resort

Abali Track is the oldest track in the country, which has very favorable conditions. Pleasant weather, proximity to the capital, location on the beautiful Capital-North road, suitable equipment, and numerous entertainments have made it a popular destination among tourists. This track is the first place where lifting devices are installed. Also, Abali is the main meeting place for modern skiing in Iran, which is considered the first standard place for skiing in Iran. Abali Complex has different sections, including an oil company track, an educational track, and a private track. Also, in this place, a variety of exciting activities with spectacular views are waiting for you, which will make a special and memorable day for you. The highest part of Abali is 2650 meters, and the lowest part is 2400 meters from the sea level. This complex has so many elevators that you don’t have to worry about climbing them even on busy days.