Mehdi Rezaei, famous for the red flower of the revolution

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Homeland (PMOI)

During his teenage years, Mehdi Rezaei, along with his brothers Ahmad Rezaei and Reza Rezaei, became involved in political activism. The brothers were drawn to the ideals of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), an organization that sought to overthrow the Pahlavi regime and establish a government based on Islamic principles, social justice, and independence from foreign influence.

The PMOI, founded in 1965, was an Islamic socialist organization that combined elements of Marxism with a commitment to Islam. The group’s ideology was centered on the belief that Islam and socialism were compatible and that both could be used as tools to fight against oppression and injustice. The PMOI’s main objectives were to overthrow the Shah, end the influence of Western powers in Iran, and establish a democratic government that would ensure social justice and equality for all Iranians.

Mehdi Rezaei’s involvement with the PMOI marked the beginning of his active participation in the struggle against the Pahlavi regime. The organization provided him with the ideological framework and the organizational support needed to channel his revolutionary fervor into concrete actions. Mehdi quickly rose through the ranks of the PMOI, becoming a key member of the organization and participating in several operations aimed at undermining the Shah’s regime.