Mehdi Rezaei, famous for the red flower of the revolution

In his defense, Mehdi Rezaei stated:

“One of the accusations against me is that I am included in the category of evil according to you, and I am forced to introduce this category so that later it will be known whether we are evil or not. In order to answer this charge, I have to give an explanation. I must say that our goal was nothing but the well-being of people. Except removing any discrimination… We were not the ones to see the pain of people’s discomfort and sit quietly. In the same way that Maula Ali said in the sermon of Shaqshaqiyah, when they take over the caliphate: God has made a covenant with those who are aware of the nature of these relationships and the nature of this issue, that they will not sit silent and from the oppressor’s hunger and oppressed’s hunger. This is the pact we made with our God. I am being tried here on the charge of loving the people and fighting for the people. Our goal is to provide such conditions that all human beings can reach the ultimate level of perfection and humanity under those conditions… I am being tried here on the charge of loving the people and fighting for the people. Let our veins and skin be sacrificed in the way of creation. As long as there is oppression, there is struggle, and as long as there is struggle, there is defeat and victory; But in the end, the victory belongs to the people. I don’t say this, history says this…”

Mehdi’s words reflected his deep commitment to the cause of the Iranian people and his belief in the inevitability of victory for the oppressed. Despite the eloquence and passion of his defense, the outcome of the trial was never in doubt. The Pahlavi regime was determined to make an example of Mehdi Rezaei and to send a clear message to others who might be tempted to join the opposition.