Old photos of Yazd by a foreign photographer

The Zoroastrian Fire Temples

Yazd is also home to some of the most important Zoroastrian fire temples in Iran. These temples, known as Atashkadeh, are sacred places where the Zoroastrian community has kept the eternal flame burning for centuries. The Atashkadeh of Yazd, located in the center of the city, houses a fire that has been burning for over 1,500 years, symbolizing the Zoroastrian belief in the purity of fire.

The fire temples of Yazd are modest in design, with simple, unadorned exteriors that reflect the Zoroastrian emphasis on purity and simplicity. Inside, the sacred fire is housed in a special chamber, accessible only to priests. The temple grounds are often surrounded by peaceful gardens, providing a serene setting for reflection and prayer.