Old photos of Yazd by a foreign photographer

Ab Anbars and Qanats: Water Management in Yazd

Water management is a critical aspect of life in Yazd, given its desert location. The city is renowned for its ancient water management systems, including ab anbars (underground cisterns) and qanats (underground channels). These structures have allowed Yazd’s inhabitants to collect, store, and distribute water efficiently, ensuring a reliable supply even in the harshest conditions.

Ab anbars are large underground reservoirs used to store water during the dry season. These cisterns are covered with domed roofs and often feature windcatchers to help keep the water cool. Qanats, on the other hand, are a network of underground tunnels that channel water from distant mountains to the city, using gravity to transport it over long distances. These ingenious systems are a testament to the engineering prowess of ancient Persians and remain in use in some parts of Yazd today.