Mujahideen attack on the center of the capital

Conclusion: The Lasting Impact of the Mehr 5, 1360 Attack

The terrorist attack on Mehr 5, 1360, remains one of the darkest moments in Tehran’s history. The violence inflicted by the MEK on that day left a deep scar on the Iranian collective memory and exposed the true nature of the group’s ambitions. Far from being the defenders of the Iranian people, the MEK had become a ruthless terrorist organization willing to kill and destroy in pursuit of its political goals.

The events of that day also underscored the resilience of the Iranian people and their determination to defend their country against both internal and external threats. Despite the chaos and bloodshed, Tehran ultimately emerged from the attack with a renewed sense of unity and resolve.

Today, the memory of the Mehr 5 attack serves as a reminder of the dangers posed by terrorism and the importance of vigilance in the face of those who seek to sow fear and division. The MEK,

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