Mujahideen attack on the center of the capital

Despite the group’s claims of fighting for freedom and democracy, the MEK’s tactics increasingly alienated the very people it purported to represent. The group’s willingness to collaborate with Saddam Hussein, a brutal dictator who was responsible for countless atrocities against the Iranian people, further eroded its credibility and legitimacy.

The Islamic Republic’s Response
In the years following the Mehr 5 attack, the Iranian government intensified its efforts to root out the MEK and other opposition groups. The Revolutionary Guards and intelligence services launched a series of operations aimed at dismantling the MEK’s underground networks and arresting its members. Many of those involved in the Mehr 5 attack were eventually captured and brought to justice.

The Islamic Republic also used the attack as a rallying point to strengthen its narrative of resistance against both internal and external enemies. The government framed the MEK’s actions as part of a broader conspiracy by foreign powers to destabilize Iran and undermine the revolution. This narrative helped to solidify public support for the government, particularly at a time when the country was facing immense challenges due to the war with Iraq.

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