Aref’s singing in a wedding ceremony

Song Style: In the past, Aref’s work was known among music pursuers as “Aref style.”. The process of shaping this style was as follows: In the mid-1940s, songs were performed as ballads with Arabic themes, mostly needles and gloomy. The course was attended by singers Qasim Jebeli, Manouchehr Shafiee, Alfred Lazarian and Houshang Shokati. Some poets and translators translated the lyrics of the European song “Wow to Wow”. Hamid Ghanbari and Jamshid Sheibani were among the first to perform the translated lyrics with the same original song. This style was pop, but it was not Iranian. In the early 1950s, love songs were performed with Western orchestration and Persian theology. This style of song was presented to the public by Mohammad Noori, Vigen and Manouchehr Sakhaei.