Hasan Shamaizadeh during his years in the country

Hassan Shamaeizadeh (born 1321) is a composer, singer, and musician of pop music. Some of the most important Iranian pop music songs sung by singers such as Gogoosh, Dariush, Moin, Abi, Hamira, Haydeh, Mehsti, Leila Forohar, Aref, etc. were his compositions. After the 1357 revolution, he immigrated to America with his family and continued composing and singing there. Most of his works have been published with arrangements by other Iranian musicians. Hasan Shamaizadeh started his artistic career as a musician at the age of 13 in the orchestra of one of Isfahan’s theaters. A graduate of Isfahan Adeb High School, he came to Capital in 1341 after finishing high school to improve in music, and after working in the theater for a while, he entered radio in 1345.