Old pictures of the IRNA news agency

The process of preparing news in IRNA, like in many professional news agencies, is done by editors, reporters from various fields, and news liaisons. IRNA has reporters in most provinces and cities of the country and nearly 30 representative offices around the world who are responsible for collecting news and reports and sending them to the central organization. News and reports are collected in the cities under the supervision of eight news regions, and each region covers a number of provinces in the country. The news and reports are prepared by the news liaisons and reporters of the cities, and after sending them to the region, they are placed directly on the organization’s outlets, which is done in order to decentralize and speed up the sending of news. The activities of the General Department of Foreign News are the responsibility of seven groups: Europe, America, Asia and the Pacific, Africa, the Middle East, the Indian Subcontinent, and Central Asia, which include English news, Arabic news, Persian international news, and foreign news.