Mastering the Art of Silent Confidence: Psychological Insights and Strategies”

This one might sound weird, but have you ever heard of the Duchenne smile? Well, you don’t need to be smiling to give off the effect of it!If you don’t know, the Duchenne smile is known as the most genuine kind of smile, according to experts. In non-technical terms, it’s when your eyes light up and your face gets a little crinkly.Most people see you as more genuine and kinder when you smile this way. But granted, you can’t sit around in meetings or interviews smiling away!But what you CAN do is lighten up your eyes. Lift your lids a little and open them up fully. Squint them a little if you must.Or simply imagine you’re smiling at someone you love without smiling at all. Pay attention to the way your eyes go and practice it!The more you leave your eyes this way, the more secure and approachable you’ll appear.