Mastering the Art of Silent Confidence: Psychological Insights and Strategies”

If you want to look more confident, pay attention to when you choose to talk and when you keep quiet!Quiet confidence is one of the most secure forms of self-confidence. When you have it, people see it. But it’s pretty hard to grasp it when you don’t have it.The main thing you can do to appear more quietly confident is to speak with authenticity. Don’t brag and don’t be arrogant. Don’t scream about your successes when there’s really no need.Of course, don’t be silent – that isn’t what quiet confidence is all about. It’s more about not speaking for the sake of it.You can talk about things you’ve done, as long as it’s done in the right context. Raise your successes when it’s valid and helpful, not when it’s unnecessary or snarky.Say what you mean and mean what you say – and only when it’s really essential. When people notice your quiet confidence, they’ll see YOU as more confident in return.