The ceremony of the 40th day of the death of Raisi and his companions

Conservative Figures: Potential successors from the conservative camp may emerge, such as current judiciary head Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje’i or other high-ranking officials loyal to Khamenei.Reformist Candidates: Although less likely, the regime might consider a more moderate or reformist candidate to placate public unrest and international pressure, though this would be a significant shift.Military Influence: The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) might play a more prominent role in the selection of the next president, given their significant influence in politics.Raisi’s death is a pivotal moment for Homeland, with potential ripple effects across its political landscape and foreign relations. The regime’s ability to manage the transition and address the underlying causes of societal unrest will be crucial in determining the country’s future trajectory.

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