Unseen pictures of Emel Sayın’s trip to Homeland

During Amal Sain’s stay in Homeland, many offers were made to Amal Sain to act in movies, but none of these offers met with the approval of this beautiful and vocal singer. Now we have heard that one or two Iranian filmmakers are going to Turkey with an offer of 200,000 tomans to act in a film.
It is not known whether the temptation of this exorbitant salary will make Amal Sain accept the offer to act in an Iranian movie or not!?
It was very interesting for me to read this news, what days and what price. 200,000 Tomans was really a very high price in that period, which has no meaning at all now…
You may remember that Amal Sain played with Mohammad Ali Erbil in Ashkim Ashkim series in 2001 and was very popular. This series was broadcast again in 2007 with new episodes after a 6-year hiatus. Amal Sign has more than 30 long-play gramophone records and 45 CDs. Amal Sain also performed programs on many channels.
Sain, who has been married 4 times, divorced and married one of his wives twice. His first marriage was in 1966 with Ismet Kassapoglu, from whom he divorced after 9 years. The couple got married for the second time after a year of separation. But after 3 years they separated again. In 1979, after separating from her first husband, Amal married Seljuk Arslan, the son of the owner of the most famous casino in Istanbul. And after 2 years, he broke up with her.