Pictures of the university entrance exam 50 years ago

The National University Entrance Exam, commonly known as Konkur, is a pivotal examination held annually in Iran and abroad for admission into the country’s universities. This exam plays a crucial role in determining the academic futures of countless students. Despite its importance, the exam has been subject to significant criticism regarding its fairness and the imposition of quotas, which many candidates believe are unjust and imposed arbitrarily .

Institutions Involved

The Konkur is administered by different organizations depending on the level of education. At the undergraduate level, the exam is conducted by the country’s Education Assessment Organization, which falls under the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology. This organization also oversees the entrance exams for master’s and doctoral degrees across all Iranian universities and higher education centers. For the Islamic Azad University’s master’s and doctorate courses, the exam is organized by the university’s admission center. The Ministry of Health’s assessment center administers exams for master’s and doctoral courses in medical sciences, as well as specialty and subspecialty courses in medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry.