Different images of a funeral procession that made news

Mourning Rituals and Practices

Shia Muslims observe Ashura with intense mourning rituals. These include:

  • Mourning gatherings (majalis): Religious sermons and recitations recounting the tragedy of Karbala.
  • Processions: Public displays of mourning where participants often engage in self-flagellation or striking their chests as a form of grief and solidarity with Husayn.
  • Reenactments: Passion plays known as ta’ziyah dramatize the events of Karbala, bringing the story to life for contemporary audiences .

The mourning for Husayn is seen as an act of protest against oppression and a struggle for divine justice (jihad). Through these observances, Shia Muslims seek to honor Husayn’s sacrifice and secure his intercession in the afterlife .