What your tongue say about your health – including hair and spots

Hairy tongue
The term ‘hairy tongue’ is used to describe an abnormal coating on the top surface of the tongue.The GP explained that it is a harmless condition that occurs due to a lack of stimulation on the top of the tongue, causing bacteria or yeast growth.The bacteria usually builds up on tiny rounded projections called papillae, which lie along the tongue.Instead of shedding, the papillae starts to lengthen and in severe cases can grow up to 15 times their normal length, creating a ‘hairy’ appearance.”It is most commonly caused by poor oral hygiene or smoking,” the doctor added.

Hairy tongue, also known as lingua villosa, is an oral condition characterized by an unusual, hairy-like coating on the top surface of the tongue. Despite its alarming appearance, hairy tongue is generally harmless and reversible with proper care. This condition occurs due to the accumulation of bacteria, yeast, and debris on elongated papillae, the tiny projections on the tongue’s surface.

What is Hairy Tongue?

Hairy tongue is a condition where the filiform papillae, which are normally around 1 millimeter in length, fail to shed and instead grow longer, sometimes reaching up to 15 times their usual length. This gives the tongue a black, brown, or yellowish discoloration, often resembling a furry or hairy texture. The abnormal coating can be concerning, but it is usually benign and not associated with