The presence of Kim Jong-un in the flooded areas of North Korea

The Leader’s Arrival in Uiju

Kim Jong Un’s visit to the flood-affected areas was a highly choreographed event, designed to showcase his concern for the well-being of the North Korean people. The 40-year-old leader traveled to the region in his signature dark green bulletproof train, accompanied by a convoy of luxurious vehicles, including his armored car. The visit was widely covered by state media, which portrayed Kim as a compassionate leader who is deeply involved in addressing the needs of his people.

Upon his arrival in Uiju, Kim was greeted by large crowds of displaced residents who had been living in temporary shelters since the floods. Footage released by the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) showed people cheering and reaching out to grab Kim’s hand as he walked past their tents. The images of Kim sitting in one of the tents, surrounded by people dancing and children smiling as he handed them gifts, were intended to reinforce his image as a leader who cares deeply about his people.

A Display of Leadership

During his visit, Kim Jong Un made several statements that were broadcast by state media, emphasizing the importance of self-reliance in overcoming the disaster. He praised the resilience of the North Korean people and reiterated that the country would not seek outside help for the recovery effort, despite offers of assistance from Russia, China, and South Korea. According to the KCNA, Kim expressed his gratitude for the offers of humanitarian support but stated that the best way to tackle the problems was through “firm trust in the people and the way of tackling problems thoroughly based on self-reliance.”

Kim also used the occasion to criticize public officials for their failure to implement adequate disaster prevention measures, which he blamed for the severe damage and loss of life. He condemned what he described as a “smear campaign” by South Korea, accusing the southern neighbor of exaggerating the extent of the floods and casualties to discredit his government.