Once upon a time, Alain Delon’s trip to Homeland

On 1 October 1968, the body of Stevan Marković, Delon’s former bodyguard, was found in a public dump in Élancourt, Yvelines, a village on the western outskirts of Paris.Delon and François Marcantoni, a Corsican gangster, came under investigation, partly because of a letter from Marković to his brother Aleksandar, in which he had written: “If I get killed, it’s 100% the fault of Alain Delon and his godfather Francois Marcantoni.” Following some articles in the press and testimony by Borivoj Ackov, the investigation involved the former prime minister (and future president) of France, Georges Pompidou, who testified that he and his wife had been present at certain parties with Marković and Delon.

Marković’s death sparked rumours that there were photos of group sex that included Pompidou’s wife. Pompidou accused Louis Wallon and Henri Capitant of using the French espionage service SDECE to try to frame him. After he became president of France, he named Alexandre de Marenches as the head of the SDECE in order to reform it. De Marenches, assisted by his principal private secretary, Michel Roussin, expelled a “secret agent” who had been involved in the investigation of Jean-Charles Marchiani.