Serving athletes in the Arbaeen walk

Promoting Ethical and Moral Values

One of the key objectives of the Tehran Municipal Sports Organization is to promote ethical and moral values among athletes. By encouraging participation in events like the Arbaeen pilgrimage, the organization aims to foster a culture of service, humility, and spiritual reflection among its athletes. This is seen as a way to counterbalance the intense focus on competition and achievement that often characterizes the world of professional sports.

The organization’s support for the “Mohiban Reza Athletes” reflects a broader commitment to ensuring that athletes are not only successful in their careers but also grounded in their values and connected to their communities. This approach is based on the belief that true success is measured not just by medals and trophies, but by the positive impact that athletes can have on society.

Supporting Community Engagement

In addition to promoting spiritual values, the Tehran Municipal Sports Organization also sees the participation of athletes in the Arbaeen pilgrimage as a way to strengthen community engagement. By taking part in this pilgrimage, the athletes are able to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, share in their experiences, and contribute to a collective endeavor that transcends individual achievements.