A father who himself and his children became members of the Mojahedin

In describing this period of his life, he wrote in a letter to Masoud Rajavi: Masoud and Maryam, the children of Mujahid and Mujahid, my dear! I am proud that I have been fighting all my life since I was 22 years old, and I am still fighting until the last day. I was in love with Dr. Mossadegh, and I even reached Mossadegh’s presence in the parliament through the traitor Kashani, and I wanted to kiss his hand; he kissed my face, and this same traitor Kashani, who I used to help him financially, gave an interview to Al-Ahram newspaper after Mossadegh’s arrest. And while he was smoking, when the reporter asked what should be done with Mossadegh in your opinion, he rudely said, “Only execution.” I wrote this to keep in the heart of history. After the revolution, Ruhollah Khomeini chose Haj Khalil Rezaei as his special advisor. But Haj Khalil refused and resigned. After that, he was pressured by the government, and his property was confiscated. They even threw grenades at Haj Khalil’s house. Haj Khalil Rezaei left Iran due to these pressures.