A father who himself and his children became members of the Mojahedin

On May 23, 2002, while suffering from illness, Khalil Rezaei participated in the demonstrations of pro-Mujahideen Iranians in the United States to give a speech in protest against the inclusion of the name of the Mujahideen organization in the terrorist list. After that, in a letter addressed to Masoud Rajavi, he wrote: “The honor and dignity of Homeland and Persians, that is, the dignity of the Mujahideen, that is, yours, was in the middle. You are the dignity and honor of Iran and Iranians. Dear Masoud, I know that you and I will not see each other, and anyway, I am indebted to you for your help during my exile. I leave my children first to God and second to you. My children have no one but you. I leave them to you. Dear Masoud and Maryam, from Shahrivar 20 until today, I am only happy that you are there and that you did not let Mossadegh’s flag stay on the ground.