A father who himself and his children became members of the Mojahedin

Origins and Ideological Foundations

The MEK was founded in 1965 by a group of leftist Iranian students and intellectuals who sought to overthrow the Shah of Iran’s regime. The organization’s ideological roots are deeply embedded in a unique blend of Islam and revolutionary Marxism, an amalgamation that aimed to combine Islamic values with socialist principles. This synthesis was intended to appeal to both the religious masses and the intellectual left within Homeland.

The MEK’s early years were marked by its opposition to the Shah’s monarchy, which it viewed as a puppet of Western imperialism, particularly the United States. The organization’s initial activities were focused on guerrilla warfare, propaganda, and political mobilization against the Shah’s regime. During this period, the MEK carried out several high-profile attacks, including assassinations and bombings, targeting the Shah’s regime and its foreign supporters.