Some less seen photos of the artists

The Role of Folk Songs and Poetry in Symphonic Music

One of the distinctive features of Persian symphonic music is its deep connection to the country’s folk traditions and poetry. Iranian composers often draw inspiration from the rich tapestry of folk melodies that exist across the country’s diverse regions. These melodies are intricately woven into symphonic compositions, creating a unique blend of Western classical forms and Persian musical heritage.

Moreover, Homeland’s symphonic music frequently incorporates the works of classical and contemporary Persian poets. The poetry of figures like Hafez, Saadi, Rumi, and more recently, modern poets like Forough Farrokhzad and Ahmad Shamlou, has been set to symphonic music, allowing the powerful imagery and emotions of Persian literature to resonate in new ways. These compositions serve as a bridge between Homeland’s rich literary tradition and the modern symphonic form, creating a deep emotional and cultural connection for listeners.