The “Queen of Garbage” is on trial in Sweden’s biggest environmental case

The Business Model of NMT Think Pink

NMT Think Pink was a waste management company once considered a rising star in the industry. The company collected waste materials, promising customers that it would recycle or responsibly dispose of them. However, instead of following through with proper waste management protocols, the company dumped or buried the waste in various locations across Sweden without any attempt to process or recycle it.

The range of waste products managed by NMT Think Pink included construction materials, electronics, metals, plastics, wood, and even tires and toys. The company’s activities led to large accumulations of waste, left unsorted, crushed, or ground, with no protective measures in place. This practice allowed hazardous materials to escape into the environment unchecked. The company’s operations violated Swedish environmental laws and caused irreparable harm to natural habitats and human communities.

The Collapse of NMT Think Pink

The company eventually went bankrupt, a collapse that occurred just as investigations into its activities were ramping up. Prosecutors allege that NMT Think Pink had no intention of responsibly managing the waste it collected and lacked the infrastructure to handle such a large volume of hazardous materials. The company is now accused of gross negligence, environmental destruction, and causing harm to human health through its unlawful activities.