The “Queen of Garbage” is on trial in Sweden’s biggest environmental case

Bella Nilsson: From Business Executive to “Queen of Garbage”

The Rise and Fall of Bella Nilsson

Bella Nilsson, once a self-proclaimed business mogul and the former CEO of NMT Think Pink, has become the face of this environmental crime case. Known in the media as the “queen of garbage,” Nilsson rose to prominence by capitalizing on the growing waste management industry in Sweden. However, her rapid rise was accompanied by a string of accusations, with critics questioning the legitimacy of her operations.

Nilsson’s journey from a self-made entrepreneur to an infamous figure began when she launched NMT Think Pink. The company initially marketed itself as an eco-friendly solution to Sweden’s waste disposal needs, promising efficient and sustainable waste management. Under Nilsson’s leadership, the company expanded its operations, securing contracts with construction firms, municipalities, and private businesses to handle large volumes of waste.

However, behind the scenes, Nilsson’s company was cutting corners and abandoning its environmental commitments. It soon became clear that the company lacked the capability to handle the waste it was collecting. Instead of processing it through legal and environmentally sound methods, NMT Think Pink began illegally dumping the waste.