Hamid Nouri in the court hearing the accusations of the leaders of the hypocrites

MEK’s Financial Activities in Germany: Exploiting NGOs and Charity Fronts

Germany has been a critical hub for MEK’s financial operations, with the group using non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to support asylum seekers and refugees as a guise for fundraising. According to reports, the MEK established front organizations that collected funds under the pretense of aiding children whose parents had been killed in Homeland . In 1988, police in Nurembergone of these front organizations, revealing the extent to which the MEK exploited humanitarian causes to fund its operations.

Initially, these organizations garnered support from prominent political groups, including The Greens in Germany, which were unaware of the true nature of the organizations’ activities. Once the MEK’s connections were exposed, support dwindled, and German authorities took action against these fronts.

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