Hassan Nasrallah supporters gathering in the capital

The relationship between Hamas and Hezbollah has evolved over decades, primarily due to their shared opposition to Israel and their common backing from Iran. While Hamas is a Sunni Islamist group and Hezbollah follows Shia Islam, the two organizations have coordinated efforts to oppose Israeli influence in the region. Both groups view the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and the broader Israeli military presence in Lebanon and Syria as a violation of their sovereignty and the rights of Muslim populations.

The death of Nasrallah, who was one of the most prominent faces of anti-Israel resistance in Lebanon, could strengthen the ideological and operational alliance between Hezbollah and Hamas. The statement from Hamas reflects a shared sense of solidarity and a resolve to continue the fight against Israeli forces.

Iran’s Response: A Call for Muslim Unity and Resistance

Iran has long been a key player in Middle Eastern geopolitics, especially as the primary backer of Hezbollah and a significant supporter of Hamas. Following the assassination of Nasrallah, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, issued a call for Muslim unity in support of Hezbollah and Lebanon:

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