Ahmad Ali Masoud Ansari is Farah Pahlavi’s cousin

Carter wanted to deliver Shah to Iran
Whose idea was the Shah’s plan to leave the country? Was there a possibility that America would hand him over to the leaders of the revolution in one of the Shah’s residences, such as Morocco or Panama?

Masoud Ansari: After Eid al-Fitr in 57, the king realized that thousands of people had chanted death slogans for the king. As he later told me, it was probably too late to restore normalcy and the king lost his temper. Every decision that the Shah made with the pressure of those around him, Farah Khanum neutralized with the control she had over the Shah after the death of Mr. Alam and emptying the close confidants of the Shah from him and losing the Shah’s morale. From the Shah’s point of view, he no longer wanted to stay in Iran. The decision to leave was first of all the decision of the king himself. After the Guadalupe Conference, which was held from January 4th to January 7th, America stopped supporting the Shah, and the American ambassador suggested to the Shah that he leave after January 10th. Carter intended to return the Shah to Iran while he was in Panama. If it wasn’t for Anwar Sadat and the intervention of the Shah’s American friends, this would probably have been done by Carter because of the release of the American embassy hostages.

The Iranian revolution means “the determination of Khomeini’s action and the weakness of Shah’s action”
Sullivan claims in his memoirs that we supported the Shah until the last moment. Some people say that the revolution was planned by England and America, considering the conditions governing the country, is it a correct statement?


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