Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger poses during the 38th Cannes film festival. The actor presented the movie Pumping Iron, a documentary which was to spread his fame beyond bodybuilding circles, on May 19, 1977.
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body parts you’re likely not washing enough
Your bellybutton Thanks to the scientists at the Belly Button Biodiversity Project, we now know that our bellybuttons can harbor a myriad of different bacteria. In fact, researchers found more than 1,400 different bacteria when studying just under 100 people’s bellybuttons.
Read More »Ayatollah Khomeini returns to homeland
Sayyid Ruhollah Mūsavi Khomeini, (1902 – 1989), known in the Western world as Ayatollah Khomeini, was an Shia Muslim religious leader, philosopher, revolutionary and politician. He was the founder of the Islamic Republic of homeland and the leader of the 1979 persian Revolution that saw the overthrow of the Pahlavi monarchy and Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah.
Read More »Which Fruits Contain the Most Sugar?
Lychees They’re not a particularly popular snack, but this exotic fruit is a favorite addition to Thai restaurant menus and cocktails. Surrounded by red, leathery skin, the ripe white inside of the fruit is super sweet to taste. A cup of lychees has nearly 30 grams of sugar. However, a cup of lychees also has more than 100 percent of …
Read More »Things You Should Never Share
While getting ready for a girls’ night out or friend’s wedding sharing your lipstick or eye make-up with your best friend is common thing and we all do it often. Though we say sharing is caring but it is not true always as sharing certain products may lead to different skin sicknesses like skin infection or herpes or serious health …
Read More »The golden rules of good hair care
Dealing with split ends is the most difficult part of any hair-care routine. It doesn’t matter if your tresses are straight as an arrow or curlier than a Slinky. If you want healthy hair, regular trims are essential.
Read More »Photos of Khosrow Golsorkhi,s Trial court
Khosrow Golsorkhi (22 January 1944 – 18 February 1974) was an journalist, poet, and communist activist in homeland during the Cold War. Hooman Majd has described him as a “Che Guevara-like figure for young persians in 1974.”
Read More »How does North Korea make money?
North Korea’s economy is a centrally planned system, where the role of market allocation schemes is limited, though increasing. Although there have been some small-scale reforms, as of 2015, North Korea continues its basic adherence to a rigid centrally planned command economy, and its reliance on fundamentally non-pecuniary (not readily quantified or valued in money) incentives.
Read More »Rare photos of Ayatollah Montazeri
Hussein-Ali Montazeri (22 September 1922 – 19 December 2009) was an Shia Islamic theologian, Islamic democracy advocate, writer and human rights activist. He was one of the leaders of the Revolution in 1979.
Read More »The cinematic couples
Mehdi Hashemi & Golab Adineh Mehdi Hashemi was born 1946 is an television and cinema actor, screenwriter, and director.He studied performance art and graduated in 1973 from the University of capital, Iran. The actor began his theatre/cinema career with Dariush Farhang in 1969.Golab Adineh was born 1953 is an theater television and cinema actress.She is daughter of novelist Hosseingholi Mosta’an .
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