
7 signs you’re much more lonely than you realize

One sneaky sign that you might be lonelier than you think is escapism behavior. You know – those hours spent watching movies, playing video games, or doing crafts…We all enjoy a little Netflix or binge-scrolling, right? But when it becomes a constant thing, like escaping to social media for hours on end, it can be a sign that you’re trying …

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The first minister of health after the revolution, who was assassinated

Kazem Sami Kermani (6 Shahrivar 1314–4 December 1367), the first minister of health after the 1357 revolution in the provisional government , wasn, was representative of the first term of the Islamic Council and the leader of the Persian People’s Revolutionary Movement (Jama) since its establishment in 1342 until deatdeath.  It was in 1367. In the last years of his …

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Rarely photos of Akbar Golpayegani

Akbar Golpaygani was born on 10 Bahman 1312 in Capital. Golpayegani lost his mother when he was five years old and this incident had a bad effect on his spirit at that time.In 1318, Golpa entered the Farhang primary school and was selected as the Quran reciter in his class. After these activities, he learned the basic principles of singing …

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Roxana daughter of Abolhassan Saba

No. 29 Rasht Street, between former Hafez and Pahlavi Streets (north of Capital Polytechnic University) A famous club that was a hangout for contemporary and modernist artists in Capital in the late 40s Engineer Naghi Beidawi says in his memoirs: “Kamran Diba’s office at 29 Rasht Street was an old Kalangi building that Diba connected with house 27, from the …

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Fighting Israel by cooking the Tahchin

Maqluba or Maqlooba is a traditional Iraqi,Lebanese, Palestinian,Jordanian, and Syrian dish served throughout the Levant. It consists of meat, rice, and fried vegetables placed in a pot which is flipped upside down when served, hence the name maqluba,  which translates literally as “upside-down.” The dish goes back centuries and is found in the Kitab al-Tabikh, a collection of 13th-century recipes.

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Fereidoun Farahandouz, who is a voice actor

He was born on March 9, 1325, in Nasser Khosro Street. He completed his primary and secondary education in Capital and his higher education in the field of biology at the University of Capital. He started working in 1345 by participating in radio shows on Radio Capital. In 1346, he was officially employed by Homeland National Television and served in …

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Vishka Asayesh participated in the Swiss marathon

Vishka Asayesh (born on August 16, 1351) is an actress. She started her career in the middle of the 1370s and played the role of Qatam Bint Shajneh in the TV series Imam Ali (1375). Her first experience in the cinema was related to acting in the drama Sahireh (1376), for which she was nominated for the Crystal Simorgh award …

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How was the situation in Kuwait 100 years ago?

Following the post-glacial flooding of the Persian Gulf basin, debris from the Tigris–Euphrates river formed a substantial delta, creating most of the land in present-day Kuwait and establishing the present coastlines. One of the earliest evidence of human habitation in Kuwait dates back to 8000 BC where Mesolithic tools were found in Burgan. Historically, most of present-day Kuwait was part …

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Halloween in the capital

Halloween is thought to have influences from Christian beliefs and practices. The English word ‘Halloween’ comes from “All Hallows’ Eve”, being the evening before the Christian holy days of All Hallows’ Day (All Saints’ Day) on 1 November and All Souls’ Day on 2 November. Since the time of the early Church, major feasts in Christianity (such as Christmas, Easter …

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The latest photos from Sahar Ghoreishi

Sahar Qureshi (born January 6, 1366) is an actress. He started his acting career in 2008 by playing in the movie Lodge and Lajbazi; in the same year, he became famous for playing a role in the television series Delnawazan. Margins Controversy over images In 2018, pictures were published in cyberspace that showed Sahar Qureshi’s close relationship with Mehdi Tarimi. …

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