A good night’s sleep is vital to keep you happy, healthy and focused the next day. But eating too late at night will have you tossing and turning. “Sometimes the food that you eat can interfere with your sleep,” warns Taub-Dix. Foods that contain caffeine—a few scoops of coffee ice cream, say, or dark chocolate—can make you feel more alert; …
Read More »LifeStyle
Pieces of Clothing That Are Too Dangerous to Wear Every Day
Skinny jeans A good pair of jeans is the most universal clothing in the world. Many girls and women choose skinny jeans to highlight their beautiful hips and legs. But, unfortunately, these jeans disrupt the blood circulation which leads to varicose veins and cellulite. The skin can’t “breathe” because the fabric is too close to the body, and ingrown hairs …
Read More »Fashion Week in Pakistan
Pakistan Fashion Week (PFW) is a fashion event annually held in Karachi, Pakistan. The event is organised by the Fashion Pakistan Council (FPC) an organisation based in Karachi. The FPW was first launched in 2009 in Marriott Hotels, Karachi.
Read More »Innocent Signs That Your Body Is Flooded With Toxins
When we eat food, we are also inadvertently consuming a lot of chemicals that come with it, such as preservatives, colorants, and artificial flavoring. The intestines that are tasked with digestion also have to face the flak of these toxins. This toxin buildup can lead to an upset stomach and constipation.
Read More »Everyday Habits That Cause Wrinkles (Besides Not Wearing Sunscreen)
The skin around your eyes is super delicate and prone to damage. “Rubbing this sensitive area stretches skin and breaks down collagen and elastin, which can result in wrinkles,” explains Board Certified dermatologist and RealSelf Contributor, Sejal Shah, MD. The more you do it, the worse it gets. Have you ever pulled your lids taut to apply eyeliner? This has …
Read More »How to reduce chance of nausea during travel
Back seat of the car is the biggest danger zone, research reveals. Reading and using a tablet or phone are top triggers.Car sickness and nausea don’t just affect children, new RAC research has found, with as many as one in five people (18%) – the equivalent of 7.3m people* – not growing out of it and continuing to suffer as …
Read More »Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat, Based on Science
Carrying excess weight increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer and dementia. But there might be a simple solution that can help curb your appetite and assist with loss, and that’s drinking water.
Read More »Weird Things That Happen in the Female Body
Morning sickness is good for future moms Scientists from the University of Colorado have found that morning sickness during pregnancy is actually a coping mechanism, helping the fetus to avoid toxins from fish, meat, and poultry the mother consumes. Also, if you get morning sickness, it could be a sign of a strong baby since according to the Quantity Review …
Read More »common health problems that can affect you after 40
Overactive bladder (OAB) is a condition where there is a frequent feeling of needing to urinate to a degree that it negatively affects a person’s life. The frequent need to urinate may occur during the day, at night, or both. If there is loss of bladder control then it is known as urge incontinence.
Read More »The Most Addicting Foods on the Planet
What is it about the three Cs: Chocolate, cheese, and chips? For some reason, we can never get enough of them. But wanting to chow on a particular food is one thing, being addicted to it is another. Fact is, you can become addicted to a certain food, and you can blame your brain’s response to it.
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