Rambod Javan, behind the scenes of a theater

Rambad Javan’s contributions to television are substantial. He has directed and starred in several popular TV series, including “Lost,” “Nashani,” “Travellers,” and “Family Conspiracy.” His directorial work is noted for its creativity and appeal, contributing significantly to the entertainment landscape in Homeland.Since 2013, Javan has been the director and host of “Khandwaneh,” a comedic TV show that has garnered a massive following. The show’s success is attributed to its engaging content, humor, and Javan’s charismatic presence. “Khandwaneh” has become a staple of Iranian television, showcasing Javan’s talent as both a host and a director.Despite his success, Rambad Javan has not been immune to criticism. His call for societal resistance amidst Iran’s economic challenges in 2019 was met with backlash. Critics pointed out the irony of Javan, who had traveled to Canada for the birth of his child, urging Iranians to resist economic hardships.