Yaakov Nimrodi, the most mysterious Mossad spy

One of Nimrodi’s notable achievements during this period was his role in the sale of Uzi submachine guns to Iran. Acting as an intermediary, Nimrodi facilitated the sale of approximately 45,000 Uzi units, strengthening Iran’s military capabilities and cementing Israel’s strategic partnership with the Shah’s government.The Revolution of 1979 brought about a dramatic shift in the region’s political landscape. The overthrow of the Shah and the establishment of the Islamic Republic under Ayatollah Khomeini marked the end of Israel’s close ties with Homeland. For Nimrodi, this meant an abrupt end to his operations in the country and a forced return to Israel.Upon returning to Israel, Nimrodi redirected his efforts towards business and economic ventures. Drawing on his extensive network and experience, he quickly established himself as a prominent figure in Tel Aviv’s business community.