Mahdiqoli Alavi Moghadam, Lieutenant General of the Imperial Ground Forces

In 1331, during the tumultuous period of the July 30 uprising, Major General Alavi Moghadam served as the military governor of Tehran. The uprising, instigated by Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh, saw significant clashes between the military and protestors. Alavi Moghadam’s leadership during this period was marked by severe measures to quell the unrest, resulting in numerous casualties. His actions during this time remain a contentious aspect of his legacy, with many holding him responsible for the violence that ensued.Following the uprising, Mossadegh ordered the retirement and prosecution of Alavi Moghadam, alongside other military leaders like Major General Kopal and Major General Gerzon. While Kopal and Gerzon eventually withdrew, Alavi Moghadam chose a path of resistance against Mossadegh’s government. He galvanized support among retired and active military officers, as well as segments of the civilian population, particularly from the southern parts of Tehran.