Mahdiqoli Alavi Moghadam, Lieutenant General of the Imperial Ground Forces

The formation of the Security Organization (SAVAK) brought new dynamics to the power structures within Iran. Alavi Moghadam found himself in a competitive relationship with Timur Bakhtiar, the head of SAVAK. Despite the rivalry, Alavi Moghadam continued to rise, achieving the rank of lieutenant general in 1337.In the summer of 1339, during the elections for the 20th session of the National Assembly, Shahrbani, under Alavi Moghadam’s leadership, was deeply involved in the electoral process. This interventionist approach drew criticism and scrutiny. The political landscape shifted again with the fall of Dr. Iqbal’s cabinet and the appointment of Jafar Sharif Emami as prime minister. Alavi Moghadam was then named Minister of Interior, a position that further solidified his influence.As Minister of Interior, he oversaw the winter elections of the 20th term, an event marked by significant controversy due to allegations of electoral interference. The mounting criticisms and political pressure eventually led to his resignation.