Haddad Adel’s commemoration ceremony

He was supported by the Abadgaran alliance and became the Speaker of Parliament for one year beginning 6 June 2004, with 226 votes out of 259, running unopposed. He became the first non-clerical speaker since the revolution. Since 2008, he has been the advisor to the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. In 2012, he ran for the Majlis speakership, but lost the bid.He is also a member of the High Council of Cultural Revolution and the Expediency Discernment Council.As the speaker of Parliament, he condemned the bombing of Samarra. He added that Islamic countries must promote solidarity through guaranteeing unity and security against common enemies. He is the first senior parliamentary official to hold negotiations with both his counterpart in Cairo and President Mubarak after the Islamic revolution. Haddad-Adel run for office in the presidential election held in July 2013. He formed a coalition named 2+1 with Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf and Ali Akbar Velayati in October 2012 to one of them be the coalition’s candidate in the upcoming election. He was registered as a presidential candidate and was approved to run in the election by the Guardian Council, a vetting body of clerics and jurists, along with seven other men.

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