Unseen pictures of Moein’s marriage

Nasrullah Moin Najafabadi, better known by his stage name Moin, is an iconic figure in the world of Iranian pop and traditional music. Born on December 29, 1330, in Najafabad, Iran, Moin has captivated audiences worldwide with his soulful voice and heartfelt compositions. His journey from a small town in Isfahan province to international fame is a testament to his talent and dedication to his craft. Living in Los Angeles, Moin continues to be a prominent figure in the music industry, touching the hearts of many with his timeless melodies.

Early Life and Musical Beginnings

Moin was born into a religious and financially middle-class family in Najafabad. As the seventh child in a large family, he grew up in an environment where traditional values and artistic expression coexisted. From a young age, Moin showed a keen interest in music and singing. He would often recite the Qur’an and perform poems and sonnets by great poets, showcasing his vocal abilities in joyous gatherings in his hometown and other cities in Isfahan province.

His early exposure to music laid the foundation for his future career. Moin’s talent did not go unnoticed, and he soon began performing as a radio singer. His early recordings, though modest, helped him gain recognition in Iran’s music scene.