Photos of Tatbir during the Qajar era

Proponents of Tatbir argue that the ritual:

  1. Symbolizes deep mourning: For many, Tatbir is a physical manifestation of their emotional pain and a way to connect spiritually with the suffering of Husayn and his followers.
  2. Reaffirms identity and solidarity: Participating in Tatbir is seen as a statement of identity and solidarity with the Shia cause and its historical struggle against oppression.
  3. Preserves tradition: Supporters believe that maintaining such rituals is crucial for preserving the cultural and religious heritage of Shia Islam.

Opponents of Tatbir counter with several points:

  1. Health risks: The practice can cause serious physical harm, including infections and severe injuries, which can have long-term health consequences.
  2. Negative public perception: Critics argue that Tatbir portrays Islam, particularly Shia Islam, in a negative light, contributing to misunderstandings and prejudices against Muslims.
  3. Religious prohibitions: Many clerics highlight that self-harm is explicitly forbidden in Islam, and thus Tatbir contradicts fundamental Islamic teachings.