A female police officer who jumped over several cars

Did you deal with violent Iranians? Along with my work, with the help of some of my friends, we started a small voluntary group that gave advice to Iranians in our small community. We called it the “Council of Overseas Helpers.” However, we also encountered annoying cases. Those who came were refugees or those who had no one here or did not know the language. Immigration problems are terrible. It’s as if they hit your roots every time. How many years have you been working as a helper? From the age of 18 and after the newspaper Keihan published the recruitment notice for the first female police force to the time I entered the officer college and then the revolution, it has been about 50 years. After all, you were victims of violence. Did this issue have an adverse effect on your life? Why. Especially lately, my tolerance has decreased, and I am living with the things I am dealing with during the day. I was trying to separate my work from my personal life, but unfortunately, seeing cases of violence, I was not able to control and separate the two, and my soul and spirit were severely affected. I couldn’t separate the case I was counseling from my personal life, and it was with me all day. Most of all, I was affected by the conditions of young girls in Iran who give in to any temptation to get married and get residency in America. What exactly were you doing? First, I worked in safe houses that were set up for runaway girls or women or for those with addiction problems, trying to bring them back to a normal life. Did we teach them how to save or manage their money? How do I rent a house? How to organize their lives and help them to stand on their own two feet.