A female police officer who jumped over several cars

Education and Entry into the Police Force

In the late 1960s, Iran’s educational and professional landscape was highly competitive, especially for women. Despite the societal norms and expectations, Sudabe excelled academically, earning her diploma from Marjan School, a branch of the prestigious Kharazmi schools. However, instead of pursuing a conventional career, Sudabe sought to break new ground by joining the police force. This decision was driven by her belief in gender equality and her desire to demonstrate that women’s choices and capabilities were on par with those of men.

Sudabe’s entry into the police force was not without its challenges. The officer courses were rigorous and demanding, designed to test the mettle of recruits. For three years, she underwent intense training at the police academy, enduring the same physical and mental rigors as her male counterparts. This period was crucial in shaping her resilience and commitment to her chosen path.