A female police officer who jumped over several cars

In those years, did you only study or did you also work? When I was in England, it was not more than a few months before I noticed that my children were speaking some Persian words with an English accent. It was difficult for me to bear the situation that they forgot the Persian language. I decided to start a voluntary Farsi teaching class at the college where I was going to learn English. To educate the children of immigrant families. When they saw my eagerness to help, they hired me for a few hours a day. They didn’t pay me much, but I stayed and worked as long as my presence was necessary, regardless of the hours and contract. But when I left England, we had six well-equipped classrooms and even received money for teaching Persian from the same college. As far as I know, the Persian classes at that college are still open; that is, the same path that I started from zero is still going on (laughs).