Margins of the ceremony of the execution of the presidential decree of Pezeshkian

The Role of the Guardian Council

The Guardian Council plays a pivotal role in the electoral process by confirming the correctness of the presidential election. This council ensures that the election has been conducted fairly and that the results reflect the true will of the people. Only after this confirmation can the Leader execute the presidential decree, thereby legitimizing the presidency.

Significance of the Presidential Decree

The presidential decree is not just a formality; it serves several critical functions:

  1. Legitimacy: It provides the elected president with the necessary legitimacy to govern. The decree signifies the Leader’s approval, which is crucial in the context of Iran’s political and religious framework.
  2. Supervision: The implementation of the decree by the Leader includes a supervisory role throughout the president’s term. If the president deviates from the principles established by the Leader, he can be rendered invalid and illegitimate.
  3. Dismissal: The presidential decree’s signing implies that the Leader has the ultimate authority to dismiss the president if necessary. This can happen after a vote on the president’s political inadequacy by the parliament or a ruling on his judicial violation by the judiciary.