Serving athletes in the Arbaeen walk

Encouraging Youth Participation

The presence of Olympic medalists and other prominent athletes in the Arbaeen pilgrimage has also had a motivational impact on young people. Many young pilgrims have been inspired by the example set by these athletes, seeing them as proof that it is possible to excel in both worldly pursuits and spiritual endeavors.

The athletes’ participation has encouraged more young people to take part in the pilgrimage, whether as pilgrims or as volunteers. This has contributed to a growing trend among youth in the region to engage more actively in religious and cultural events, seeing them as opportunities to connect with their faith and their heritage.

The Role of Tehran Municipal Sports Organization

The Tehran Municipal Sports Organization has played a pivotal role in facilitating the participation of the “Mohiban Reza Athletes” in the Arbaeen pilgrimage. This initiative is part of a broader strategy by the organization to promote the integration of physical and spiritual development among athletes.