Unpublished pictures of Mohammad Ali Rajaee

The Presidential Election of August 1981

In the wake of Bani Sadr’s removal, the presidential election of August 1981 was a critical moment for the Islamic Republic. The election was seen as an opportunity to consolidate the power of the IRP and further the Islamic Revolution’s goals. Mohammad Ali Rajaei, who had previously served as Prime Minister under Bani Sadr and was a key figure in the IRP, emerged as the leading candidate. Rajaei was known for his strong revolutionary credentials and his close ties to the clerical leadership, making him the ideal candidate to lead the country through this tumultuous period.

The election was held on August 2, 1981 (11th of Mordad 1360 in the Iranian calendar), and Rajaei won a landslide victory, securing 91% of the vote. His election was seen as a mandate to continue the revolution’s path and strengthen the Islamic Republic’s foundations. Upon his inauguration on August 12, 1981 (21st of Mordad 1360), Rajaei quickly moved to form a new government, nominating Mohammad Javad Bahonar as his prime minister.