Unpublished pictures of Mohammad Ali Rajaee

Formation of the Second Government

Mohammad Javad Bahonar, a cleric and a close ally of Ayatollah Khomeini, was appointed as Prime Minister by Rajaei and quickly approved by the Majles. Bahonar, like Rajaei, was a staunch supporter of the Islamic Revolution and had played a significant role in shaping its ideological direction. Together, Rajaei and Bahonar represented the consolidation of power by the IRP and the clerical establishment, with the goal of further embedding Islamic principles into the governance of the state.

The second government of the Islamic Republic faced numerous challenges from the outset. The Iran-Iraq War, which had begun in September 1980, was still raging, placing immense pressure on the country’s resources and testing the government’s ability to maintain internal stability. Additionally, the government had to contend with the ongoing threat posed by opposition groups, particularly the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK), which had been involved in numerous acts of violence against the Islamic Republic.